Growing Seasonally is Only a Culinary Planter Away

Heirloom Potager 2ftx4ft Salsa Bar with Tomatoes, onions, peppers, and herbs (all rights reserved)

TomatoesVariety options include Cherry Delight, Pineapple, Brad’s Atomic, Green Zebra, or Black Beauty
PeppersVariety options include Jalapeño, Poblano, Serrano, Habanero, or Thai Chili
TomatillosVariety options include Verde or Purple

Heirloom Potager 2ftx6ft Salsa Bar with Tomatoes, onions, peppers, and herbs (all rights reserved)
Warm + Hot Seasons

Salsa Bar

$850 • 2ft x 4ft | $1050 • 2ft x 6ft
Accepting Pre-Orders | Planter Delivery + Install Included

1 Hand-crafted Redwood Planter Bed

Plants + Soil

Delivery + Install

You’ll be the most popular of your friends with the fresh Salsa Bar from Heirloom Potager. Our Salsa Bar is delivered in a hand-crafted redwood bed standing 18″ tall with a finished ledge and treated with an all-natural outdoor defense oil to maintain color and prolong the life of the planter. Our team will deliver and plant your new Salsa Bar with organic soil, compost, and all natural fertilizer, with a selection of unique tomatoes, peppers, scallions, onions, and herbs to delight your senses and celebrate the history and culture of Southern California.

2ft x 4ft x 1.5ft planter is 8sq ft of planting space
2ft x 6ft x 1.5ft planter is 12sq ft of planting space

TomatoesVariety options include Cherry Delight, Pineapple, Brad’s Atomic, Green Zebra, or Black Beauty
PeppersVariety options include Jalapeño, Poblano, Serrano, Habanero, or Thai Chili
TomatillosVariety options include Verde or Purple

Salsa Bars are designed for installation on flat ground (preferably soil) with good drainage. Prior to installation and delivery, a 15-minute virtual consultation will be required to confirm optimal placement. The Salsa Bar include a selection of annual varieties that have a longer lifespan in the Southern California growing climate. With proper care and maintenance, some plant species may survive from season to season.

Grading, sod removal, pathways, and irrigation are not included. Estimates for these services are available. Trellises shown are not included, but are available for purchase.

Let’s Grow Together

Place an order request for an Heirloom Potager original Culinary Planter. These planter boxes are designed to help get you growing fresh, delicious seasonal food that will stand for years to come.

You will be billed after confirmation of delivery.

Culinary Planter Boxes are only available for delivery in Orange County, CA.

  • Ready, Set, Garden! Beds are available for delivery in Orange County, CA ONLY.
  • Includes hand-crafted redwood planter bed, materials, delivery and setup, planting, and a seasonal assortment of vegetables, herbs, and flowers. **Limit 2 planter beds per purchase.**
    Price: $1,750.00
  • Includes hand-crafted redwood planter bed, materials, delivery and setup, planting, and a seasonal assortment of vegetables, herbs, and flowers. **Limit 2 planter beds per purchase.**
    Price: $2,250.00
  • $0.00
    Payment Due to secure Delivery Date

Red Swiss Chard seedlings on top of dirt showcasing the red roots
Made for Sharing

Let's Grow Together

Collection of pots under rustic planting table
Ashley Irene, the Heirloom Potager, planting in a garden bed with her signature sun hat

Quality garden products delivered to your home