Custom Redwood Garden Boxes made by Heirloom Potager

Benefit Corporation: Why Heirloom Potager is Working to Become a Certified B Corp

January 28, 2022
3 min read

It takes a conscious effort and a bit of work to make a better tomorrow. As consumers, we have the opportunity to vote every day with our dollars. We can choose to support small business owners and makers; buy from companies that do more than pad their bottom lines; and we can find ways to shorten supply chains. Learn more about the steps Heirloom Potager is taking to earn our B Corp certification.

What is a Benefit Corporation?

The idea of sowing seeds today for a better tomorrow is a core value of Heirloom Potager. I was adamant that while we were sowing literal seeds for clients, this company would be a little different than others. One of my top five goals for HP is to become a certified benefit corporation or “B Corp.” B Corps are dedicated to operating differently from traditional capitalist companies, prioritizing operations that balance people, planet, and profit. That means my legal structure allows me to dedicate essential business resources to improving the community and operating in a way that puts people at the heart of every decision.

How do you become B Corp certified?

Earning B Corp certification isn’t a given. Certification requires time, transparency, and consistent efforts to improve the operations of the company, including lowering our environmental impact, studying the supply chains of our vendors, and opting to value quality over quantity. It’s a dedication to creating a sustainable and circular economy.

How are we working toward B Corp certification?

Some ways we’re putting this into place is by supporting local enterprise as best we can. This applies to all aspects of our company. From the California redwood lumber we use for garden beds, to seedlings we grow (organically, of course), to the way we ship products with recycled or compostable shipping materials. Each of these decisions are very conscious choices made to ensure you don’t have to compromise quality or standards.

These choices add immense value in small ways that can easily be overlooked, but they are just one way we’re helping you support the development of a better tomorrow simply because you choose to work with Heirloom Potager.

Continue Learning about B Corp Certification


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